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All Cameras >> Ricoh >> Ricoh Caplio GX-100

Ricoh Caplio GX-100 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 28-Mar-2007
Megapixels: 10.01
Random Ricoh Caplio GX-100 Samples from 5108 available Photos more
g1/58/604758/3/104469853.hCqXpCXB.jpg g3/40/786540/3/115087512.WsUU8EJC.jpg g1/89/638589/3/111356382.CLLuYPOn.jpg g1/08/515208/3/110334658.pJepdBaK.jpg
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olch02-Jul-2009 09:16
great camera, especially ergonomic wise.
Juanma 18-Apr-2009 12:50
Anothers some pictures taken wiht my Ricoh GX100
Guest 01-Feb-2008 11:07
For anyone interested in Ricoh GRD, GRDII, GX100 and other Ricoh cameras, I would suggest you to visit the dedicated Ricoh forum at
At this place, you can find many interesting discussions, tests, tips and photos posted by a very nice and friendly group of people!
Guest 03-Dec-2007 11:50
You might be considering GRD2 or GX100, for the benefit of pixel peepers and lost souls, I have uploaded some photos comparing GRD2 and GX100
Guest 29-Jul-2007 01:56
Here are my first test photos:
Ross Alford22-Jul-2007 13:34
LARGE sample images to show what the GX100 can do. Converted from raw files and manipulated.
Nico17-May-2007 17:48
Some pictures taken with the GX100:

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