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pbase Bike pastels June 22 2006.jpg

Still in Amsterdam!

June 22 2006

Nikon D70
1/500s f/5.6 at 200.0mm hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time22-Jun-2006 13:06:04
ModelNIKON D70
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length200 mm
Exposure Time1/500 sec
ISO Equivalent
Exposure Bias
White Balance (-1)
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality (6)
Exposure Programaperture priority (3)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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carlogalliani29-May-2013 13:12
Great shot !
Luís Pereira09-Sep-2007 19:05
I love this!
Guest 05-Jul-2007 23:36
Love the colors and compostion. This would make for a wounderful painting.
LM Gildersleeve02-Jan-2007 01:00
This is a wonderful shot. No wonder you chose it to be your favorite for 2006. The colors are magical.
Guest 30-Jun-2006 23:52
Great shot - love the repetition and the vibrant colors.
Donald Verger27-Jun-2006 09:56
such a wonderful image!
Pic Chick26-Jun-2006 23:59
This is just awesome! Love the colors and comp. Lots of colorful images over there, isn't there?!
Linda Alstead26-Jun-2006 16:56
very nice shot
Sheila26-Jun-2006 06:46
ewa toll25-Jun-2006 18:32
very nice shot , lovely colors
Mindy McNaugher25-Jun-2006 03:30
Love this Joan! Awesome colors and comp! Great shot! Vote!
Nicki Thurgar24-Jun-2006 21:34
Wonderful colours & composition! v
mollyb 23-Jun-2006 12:04
feelin' tire'd?
suse23-Jun-2006 11:50
Fab. Great composition and colours.
Douglas Stucky23-Jun-2006 11:17
Cool shot! vote
Karen Stuebing23-Jun-2006 09:54
Where people like to bike. :) Love these repeating patterns in different colors. Wonderful framing. V.
optimist23-Jun-2006 05:57
JW23-Jun-2006 05:44
That's amazing! V
Bryan Murahashi23-Jun-2006 05:24
Excellent shot with great colors. GMV
Guest 23-Jun-2006 04:55
Nice colorful shot.
Graham Tomlin23-Jun-2006 04:15
very nice catch regards helen
Guest 23-Jun-2006 03:52
good eye, love the colors
Bryan Ramsay23-Jun-2006 03:12
What a great shot! love the symmetry and the diffence in the color! -BJ GMV
Herb 23-Jun-2006 02:33
Nice image
Hubert Steed23-Jun-2006 00:27
Nice advertisement photo for these bicycles... well done...
Guest 23-Jun-2006 00:12
Very nice image :O)
Guest 22-Jun-2006 23:10
Great shot, colours & composition!
Guest 22-Jun-2006 22:58
Wow!!!! just awesome, the colours and composition are supreme. Vote
Guest 22-Jun-2006 22:22
What a fun shot!
Jackdad22-Jun-2006 22:14
how did the speech go? like the different colours here. if you like Mexican food btw then check out Rose's Cantina while you're in Amsterdam - yum!
Zak22-Jun-2006 22:03
very colourful bikes!