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Naoki Hayashi's Photo Gallery | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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artist07-Aug-2012 07:52
Hi... im krishan , an artist from udaipur , ... i paint on canvas , paper etc.. I hope we can be good friends .. if you think so ... can add me ...

what more can i say except keep- smiling ...
Guest 12-Nov-2011 07:01
Your work is thoughtful, well orchestrated, beautifully framed, amazingly edited, all round fantastic , what an eye for true art, im glad I found your work, its been a while since I found bright and up lifting photos such as yours
Simone Maffei 06-Oct-2011 07:03
without the words ... Naoki simply the best !!! Greetings from Italy
flowsnow25-Jan-2011 15:06
Naoki, I just want to say again I am inspired just looking at your photos....truely talented.
Guest 28-Dec-2010 03:43
I love to see your pictures. wanderful wandreful ideas. each and every picture is unique. I would love to know the software you use to edit your pictures.

Thank you for sharing your pictures with us.

sharif 26-Dec-2010 12:26
You have a wonderful gallary. I love your pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Jonathan C 19-Oct-2010 04:21
Your pictures are absolutely inspiring. I read your interview on issue 10 of pbase magazine, and I too find that looking at other peoples work often makes one lose their style or causes them to mimic others. I just fell onto your pbase page recently and noticed your combination of unique stunning landscapes, with perfectly lit models, simplicity and unique style ... ... I could go on and on. But you are amazing, I wish you the best.

-I am always trying to improve and develop my eye and I am totally inspired by your attention to detail from start to finish.

Thank you for sharing your masterpieces!

R. Jonathan Chung
Victor 18-Jul-2010 15:38
Naoki-san, can you please tell me whether your photos are photoshoped-added new element or combined backgrounds....or not? just simply adjusting the color and contrast and etc? please!boku ha kimi no shashin wo daisuki desu! dozou oshietekudasai !arigatougozaimasu!
AYATO. 16-Jun-2010 17:56



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Guest 29-Mar-2010 14:07
Great Galleries
Guest 28-Feb-2010 01:41
very very nice (v)
bravo !!!!
Guest 24-Feb-2010 14:06
You make us all look like amateurs! Stunning work...every single frame, every subject. Perfection everywhere. Inspiration is found in your galleries.
C. White21-Feb-2010 06:39
I'm a fan this is great photography!
Guest 12-Feb-2010 19:47
You have a fantastic collection of diverse images. Well Done!
Dr. Salih Yildirim 17-Nov-2009 15:11
Mr. Hayashi,
I am a prosthodontist, practicing in Turkey.
I am familiar to you and your photo 78 (in people) from Istanbul.
I will be very happy if you let me to use your photo with your sign or signature in patient waiting room.
Guest 17-Nov-2009 15:04
Mr. Hayashi,
I am a prosthodontist
Guest 09-Oct-2009 10:55
Atsui ne..."Sunset Hunter"
Guest 09-Oct-2009 10:55
Atsui ne..."Sunset Hunter"
Guest 07-Oct-2009 07:53
Very Artistic..."Sunset Hunter"
Victor 23-Jun-2009 14:26
Naoki san....
May I ask that which photo-editing software do you use?
alfredo camba jr.15-Jun-2009 01:32
I like your style Naoki! Your images are really beautiful and artistic!
Thanks a lot for sharing your wonderful works!
Best regards,
Jun (Alfredo Camba Jr.)
Guest 14-Jun-2009 21:25
SHAUKHEEN23-May-2009 05:40



-õƒÍ˜„~ƒÇ- 14-May-2009 12:16
Naoki-san your photography is just awesome. the previous person says it's better wait in Ganref rather than look at all of your picture at once so I will wait to see your pics there. and sometimes when I feel like that I will look at your pics from here. Right now I feel I will wait. I'm waiting to see your photo in Ganref.
koumei_57 08-May-2009 19:38


Gerard Koehl22-Mar-2009 08:08
Bravo Naoki pour toutes ces merveilles, et merci du partage.

Gérard de France
Misa 02-Mar-2009 10:50
TY 15-Jan-2009 06:34
Great works!
Thank you!
onek 02-Jan-2009 06:46
Found your Gallery while searching for sample Pictures of a Lens.
I've spent an Hour or more to zap trough all of your Pictures, and shut down my Computer after i had bookmarked your Gallery... and forgot to look at the sample Pictures of that particular Lens i was searching for! ;o)

Thanks for sharing all these stunning Images that you did!

MIYUKI 13-Dec-2008 06:57
Dave Loh 16-Nov-2008 23:58
I've been following your work after stumbling across it browsing pbase. Fantastic images, particularly your environmental portraits. Also love the way you process your colours..they looks so vibrant. Looking forward to seeing more stuff.
Cheers mate!
fiery_angel23-Oct-2008 01:29
absolutely stunning images with great impact!
fiery_angel23-Oct-2008 01:28
absolutely stunning images with great impact!
Kulwant 29-Aug-2008 16:50
I got to see your pictures in a yahoo group...My sister forwarded it to me..I'm a photography fanatic Ur work rocks...Love it simply..Do mail me if you have flickr would love to add you there...Hoping to see more of your work..Take care god bless..Keep clicking
sidar 14-Jul-2008 10:01
Ýstanbul´u hayvanat bahçesi gibi fotoðraflamýþsýn;kendini dahil etmemiþsin!..
Melissaa12-Jul-2008 06:54
Lovely photos. I'm glad I came across them.
Robyco27-Jun-2008 20:14
Your work is Great !!!
Thanks for sharing and let us learn from you.
Guest 26-Jun-2008 01:47
now you have a new fan!! love your works!!!! added on my fav.
regi olbrechts30-May-2008 22:06
before I go to bed and close my eyes I want to say this:
you just made my day (with all your galleries)
and gave me treasures to dream about,
beautiful treasures
coloured pearls.
Thanks my friend and congratulations with your brilliant ART. Please go on!!! ;-)
Guest 18-Apr-2008 17:47
Maravillosas galerías
Gracias por compartirlas
Guest 14-Apr-2008 15:13
I've always admired your photography. You have a great sense for composition and the ability to turn anything into works of art. Congratulations on your journey. Thank you for taking us along for the ride. I look forward to many more amazing images from a one-of-a-kind artist.
Guest 12-Mar-2008 11:32
Hashimoto 26-Feb-2008 07:22
$B$3$l$^$GB?$/$N W7b$H;I7c$r<u$1$?<L??$O=i$a$F$G$9!#(B

Guest 25-Feb-2008 20:08
Thanks for visiting and commenting on my photos Naoki. You've got some great work here!
Guest 03-Feb-2008 09:46
Great galleries, congratilations.
and aditional thanks for beautifull captures for my loving city "Istanbul"
amazing photos...
André Bessot24-Jan-2008 06:53
That is an other world... A fantastic one. People galleries are my preferred, but the others are also stunning.
bae cheung hun 20-Jan-2008 12:05
i thought you are absoluely fantastic~~~~^^
i am korean dental laboratory technician.... i respect you.. all time... in my mind...
have a good day...
Joseph Lei12-Dec-2007 13:13
You got a nice collection of work here! I enjoy them every much :)
Guest 30-Nov-2007 10:40
Hey Naoki Hayashi,

Wonderfull galleries, espacialy the people and people 2 galleries.
I realy love your work added to my favorites.

Jim Nielsson 25-Nov-2007 12:03
Great work! Hope you post more pictures soon.
Shrikrishna Pundoor 07-Nov-2007 03:31
You are one of the best photographers I have seen. Your photos seem to be very simple but well thought and composed, nothing better, and no more words.

I strongly believe you will inspire many.
Guest 25-Oct-2007 13:04
Wonderful galleries, I enjoy the people photographs a lot.
Tang 14-Oct-2007 07:15
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Thomas 10-Oct-2007 16:47
Really enjoy your galleries. Beautiful works.
Guest 22-Sep-2007 21:07
Really like your are so talented a photographer.
Looking forwards for more of your works to come.

Guest 15-Sep-2007 18:40
This is a beautiful gallery Naoki, well done
Guest 23-Aug-2007 08:12
No wonder there are so many beautiful lips from your website.
Great to visit yourside
Alex from Holland20-Jul-2007 22:40
Naoki, you have some very creative work over here. I am impressed !!
I like the "dark mood" in your pictures

Alex form Holland
James Clarke13-Jul-2007 22:58
Hi Naoki... Congratulations on making the cover of the Pbase magazine, it's very well deserved, now I know why you have the beautiful teeth as your profile picture 8)... BTW you're the second member of my favorites list to make the cover recently, is my favorites list prophetic? LOL... James
Guest 30-Jun-2007 23:59
thanks for kind comment....i truly apreciate u king words....
your photography is the colors and composition of ur work...!...
Guest 20-Jun-2007 07:17
This is stellar work. If I ever see you, I might just ask for your signature.
Guest 27-Apr-2007 06:11
Dear Naoki,
You have so beautifuly photos in yours portfolio...Excellent work...Greetings from Montenegro, old/new country in Europa...I will come back with pleasure...
Guest 12-Apr-2007 03:38
Very impressive work - added to my faves!
Guest 31-Mar-2007 07:47
Fantastic galleries and special composition.
Thanks for sharing.
Guest 27-Mar-2007 20:30
I am very impressiv from you images, I like your work, welcome to my favorites artists!

Guest 08-Mar-2007 11:46
In awe.
Justin Kim07-Mar-2007 07:32
Thanks for taking time to comment!
I allways watched your fantastic galleries and i'm very impressed by
your amazing work.

Guest 04-Mar-2007 13:11
Fantastic work Naoki. Thanks for sharing.
Guest 28-Feb-2007 21:45
Dear Naoki, i've enjoied a very pleasant tour visiting your galleries. Some extremely nice portraiture and original composition. Some nice vivid colourful landscapes, excellent.
Ciao, Paolo.
Guest 23-Feb-2007 02:02
Steve Viscot03-Feb-2007 17:12
I have deep respect for your work.
a master at work
Enrico Martinuzzi10-Jan-2007 09:33
Elegant, ispiring, stilish... Every single shot is a piece of art for me.
Thank you so much for sharing your work Naoky.
Guest 28-Nov-2006 05:36
Seems I really like your photos. Too bad I'll never be able to appreciate them since these files you put on pbase are too small and blurry to see clearly.
roulette 27-Nov-2006 22:31
u have the beauty site
roulette 27-Nov-2006 19:41
u have the beauty site
‚Ó‚­‚´‚í@‚µ‚傤‚²‚¤ 16-Oct-2006 10:46
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Guest 06-Oct-2006 23:44
Very nice style. Keep it up.
Steven Chiu 29-Sep-2006 21:16
Truely Breathtaking Gallery! Inspirational!
Salah El-Sadek28-Sep-2006 02:02
Hajimete Mashite,Dozo yorushiku onegai shimasu..
I came to your galleries by mere chance, but I am really glad I did, your galleries are amazing, and reflects a real vision and talent of photography "sugoy", I guess you are a professional photographer. I am just an Egyptian amateur photographer who is learning from others experiences, advices and talent, and also happens to be working and living now in your own country Japan. Thanks for for sharing all these wonderfull galleries with us on pbase..
Best wishes and hope to hear from you..
Guest 20-Sep-2006 12:26
I love your galleries, especially the people section. very stylish!!
Maxim Popykin19-Sep-2006 13:05
Naoki - you are real Master. your vision awesome!
Marcus Yam 12-Sep-2006 03:43
Hi Miss Hayashi!
I was browsing around looking for Nikon's 28 1.4 photo examples and came across your website. AWESOME work. Just simply amazing colors, amazing and technique! Do you shoot professionally or is this a hobby?
Kelvin Tan11-Sep-2006 13:34
Wow!!! Wonderful galleries you have here. I am spoilt for choice as to where to start. Thanks also for leaving a note in my humble galleries. I'm marking yours as a favourite!
tomandlinda27-Aug-2006 10:14
Thanks for the nice comments on my photography. Looking at the excellent quality of your
work, I am impressed.
tomr-photos21-Aug-2006 04:58
Thanks for visiting and commenting. :)
Guest 20-Aug-2006 23:31
Thank you for your great comments my have a wonderful gallery here...I will return often
Guest 16-Aug-2006 16:57
Thank you for your nice comment on my flower shot!
Guest 13-Aug-2006 14:35
Thanks for you comments on my pic at thanks for you kind words.

But WoW I can't say enough about your galleries. You stand out as on of the best photographers I have ever seen on Pbase.......

Thanks again.
Peter Chou10-Aug-2006 14:36
Excellent technique and photographic vision!
Peter Chou10-Aug-2006 14:35
Excellent technique and vision!
Emad Omar09-Aug-2006 09:00
I am always so impressed with your work .
Such excellent work. Keep it up!
Guest 08-Aug-2006 00:16
Thank you and I'm glad you liked my holgaramas. They're not the usual sort-of-thing around here.
William Hartshorn04-Aug-2006 05:36
Naoki...Great imagery throughout your pages....You truly have an eye!!
Best.... William
Julian Hebbrecht01-Aug-2006 15:50
Thanks for visiting my galleries and your comment. You also have some very good images here.
Best regards,

Julian in Japan
John 27-Jul-2006 23:16
Thanks for taking time to comment!
I watched fast through your galleries and i´am very impressed by your
amazing work.

Guest 26-Jul-2006 14:38
Thank you very much for your comment and vote...I just love your galleries...very, very professional!
Gilles Navet25-Jul-2006 23:48
Great pleasure to saw your work tonight (for me). You have a great talent to compose your images and a perfect technic to realize them.
Bravo encore et a bientôt, I 'll come back
Guest 20-Jul-2006 03:21
Thanks for your encouraging words on my galleries,Naoki.
I enjoy your work very much and will stop by often!
Guest 19-Jul-2006 17:12
Beautiful galleries.thanks for share.
KAZUYA KIMURA –Ø‘ºˆê–ç18-Jul-2006 08:38

Guest 17-Jul-2006 19:05
Thank you for your nice comment!
Jim Kramer17-Jul-2006 12:24
Thanks for stopping by my Infrared Gallery. I appreciate the kind words. -Jim
Guest 15-Jul-2006 15:22
thanks for the comment!
Piotr Siejka15-Jul-2006 07:06
Great stuff here, Naoki! And thanks for your kind words on my work...
Guest 15-Jul-2006 01:33
I love your work... Your vision. Thank's for sharing!
Alberto Fanell 13-Jul-2006 22:44
First of all congratulations for your galleries.
Very impressive work. The majority of your photos are perfect and very very original.
I presume you're a pro!
Jeff Cochran12-Jul-2006 12:43
High quality galleries, great talent.
KAZUYA KIMURA –Ø‘ºˆê–ç12-Jul-2006 01:14
Latifa Messaoudi11-Jul-2006 04:53
nice gallery , nice creation and ideas:)
Dylan Cowan08-Jul-2006 16:40
Naoki, I visit your galleries when I'm looking for inspiration, thanks for sharing!
Ian Dalgliesh08-Jul-2006 07:43
Thankyou for your kind comment
Guest 06-Jul-2006 03:47
Naoki, you have an excellent gallery and i really enjoy browsing it. You don't have many photos in it, but every photos are high quality and I really appreciate your work. My favorite are your Landscape and People gallery. Keep up your awesome job and I will often come back to check your new work. Regards, Gigi ^_^
Thierry Malaval 05-Jul-2006 05:57
Thank you, thank you so much for your nice message !!!
Well my galleries will grow up each week with new pictures but I hope you will be able to come to take by yourself :o)
I'm a fan of all you've done, I can imagine what you will realize in Paris !

Thank you again !
Guest 05-Jul-2006 03:50
HAYASHI‚³‚ñ‚ÍPBASE‚É—ˆ‚鎞ŠÔ‚ª’Z‚¢‚Å‚·‚ªA‘½‚¢ƒtƒ@ƒ“‚ª‚ ‚è‚Ü‚·‚Ë ;]
Guest 03-Jul-2006 13:33
thank you for visiting my galleries, yours are gorgeous!
Guest 30-Jun-2006 21:40
Thank you very much for visiting and comment my gallery Naoki :-D
frank_111229-Jun-2006 08:04
frank_111229-Jun-2006 05:38
Barbara Heide23-Jun-2006 07:58
thank you for visiting my galleries, yours are gorgeous! Very strong, I really enjoy your work...
cheers Barbara
Guest 16-Jun-2006 18:12
Thanks for your positive comments. I did enjoy
browsing your people and flower galleries. I'm
definitely be coming back for more.
Tim Vidrine14-Jun-2006 00:33
Thank you for the positive comment and vote on my "sunset in the swamp". Tim
oNILi`cA‹@i^eLiLm 12-Jun-2006 01:46
Dylan Cowan11-Jun-2006 20:45
Thanks for visiting my gallery, I've really enjoyed your's. You have such good taste with your edits in the People Gallery, and the Landscapes Gallery is a tranquil view
Shimon Levkovich08-Jun-2006 07:30
Thank you for your comment. you have a lot of spectacular exposures.
henry 03-Jun-2006 17:23
wonderful pictures nao! keep them coming, i will check back later!
Hiroooooooooomi 31-May-2006 11:33
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˜eâƒVƒQƒ‹ 26-May-2006 20:26