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Fatih Gumus | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Onur DÝNÇ26-Jan-2015 21:34
keyifli bir paylaşım sitesi yapmışsınız. yola devam :)
J S Quesada30-May-2010 20:09
Thank you Fatih for your kind comment and visiting my galleries.
You have some great work here, I promise to come and visit more often.


Jarek M15-May-2010 07:55
Hello Fatih!

Thanks for visiting my gallery and your comment.

Sefval Mogalana23-Apr-2010 15:59
Thanks for visiting Fatih. I love the photography chances that I got from Spain. Hope to see your photography in SPain soon!
Erkan Erdem29-Jun-2008 15:35
A great selection of galleries and really great pictures...
Guest 14-Jun-2007 04:20
When I get photoshop and a new camera, I'm going to model my work after you.
Guest 18-Apr-2007 07:18
Dear Fatih,
You have so beautifuly photos in yours portfolio....Excellent my friend...Greetings from Montenegro, old/new country in Europa...I will come back with pleasure...I want meet with you when i come in Istanbul and i want you visit Montenegro and be my guest...
Guest 08-Mar-2007 12:57
Your photos have kept me glued to the computer screen for hours.
Guest 07-Dec-2006 14:16
Hello Fatih!

I found your galleries while looking for photos of Turkey. May I invite you to participate in my project at ? This is a project to show people around the world what's really happening in different cities or countries at any given moment. As far as I understand, you travel a lot (especially taking into account that you've been to St Petersburg and the USA) . I think your photos of some happenings may be VERY interesting to many people. If you witness anything interesting these days, could you please send a photo to me with a backlink to anywhere you want?

I look forward to your response!

Good luck in all your projects. Thank you! PS My name is Natalie Shuliak
Lampridis Dimitris02-Nov-2006 16:27
Hi Fatih , thanks for visiting , and your comment , enjoyed all your galleries , excellent work , my compliments !!!
moon (Singapore) 13-Oct-2006 09:31
well done!
Guest 24-Sep-2006 00:41
Thanks for stopping by my gallery. We were going to visit Greece and Turkey this year but spent the money on the D200 instead. There is always next year and I can't wait to visit your beautiful country since it is a photographer's paradise. Hope you are having fun with your D200 as I am.
gouter0816-Sep-2006 08:27
Thanks for voting my photo , and for visiting my galleries.

I enjoyed your gallery about patterns. And of course the Instabul gallery , a beautiful city I have visited, a city combining history and modernity.
Guest 08-Sep-2006 12:22
Thanks for your voted about my gallery from Mediterranenan Coast :)
Guest 06-Sep-2006 16:30
I enjoyed visiting Turkey on your galleries. Actually I am in love with your country and do not need any convincing in order to return. I am thinking of retiring there a few years from now. It is such a beautiful blend of old and new, modern and conservative, all living in relative harmony in quite a tolerant society. The architecture and rich history is just mind blowing.
Guest 06-Sep-2006 07:35
Thanks for the vote!

-Miles "OTIS" McBreen
DUYGU 29-Jul-2006 13:40
T. David24-Jul-2006 23:18
Thank you for visiting and leaving your kind comments on the gallery of pictures I took in Istanbul. Your comments are particularly relevant and welcome as Turkey is your homeland. I love Istanbul and the pictures I have seen from other areas in Turkey tell me it is a beautiful country. I just hope the world situation calms sufficiantly that I can return and explore the beauty and culture Turkey has to offer. Your galleries are equally beautiful and interesting. Keep up the good work. Best regards.
serkan 06-Jul-2006 12:13
fatih resimlerin beni cocukluk günlerime götürdü kavakli serkan almanya dan
Jeff Cochran28-Dec-2005 18:04
Very nice galleries, thanks for sharing a part of the world I rarely see. Cheers.
Guest 01-Dec-2005 20:07
Resimlerin beni Istanbula goturdu... Amerikadan sevgiler...
Barbrady24-Oct-2005 22:32
Thank you for so many nice comments on my galleries, and thank you for looking further then that 1 popular gallery.
peter mol 18-Oct-2005 19:32
hello, thank you for your commends...peter mol
Guest 05-Oct-2005 13:13
Hallo Fatih, thank's a lot for your nice comments in my galleries.
Tammy 04-Jul-2005 17:48
you have a real talent for photography...what type camera do you prefer?
Tammy 04-Jul-2005 17:37
Beautiful pictures.......would love to visit one day..thanks for sharing!